Rat River Recreation Commission

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About the Recreation Commission

The Rat River Recreation Commission was founded in 1996. The commission is funded by two government bodies: The Rural Municipality of De Salaberry and the Province of Manitoba. Our purpose is to use the delivery of public recreation services to further the growth and development of the communities and individuals.


Wellness- To encourage the development of recreation opportunities that will increase physical, emotional, environmental, and social well being to all citizens within the commissions mandate.

Programming- To encourage the development of public recreation programs which will include physical recreation, social recreation, artistic recreation, intellectual recreation and audience entertainment based on identified need.

Leadership Development- To promote a high standard of recreation leadership in order to maintain a high quality of programs and services.

Volunteer Development- To encourage, promote and recognize volunteerism as an integral part of the community.

Resource and Communication- To facilitate the exchange of information between community groups and the government, funding bodies, regional and provincial organizations concerns with seniors, youth, persons with disabilities, volunteer and professional development.

Public Education and Awareness- To promote the Benefits of Recreation and the important contribution that it makes to leading a healthy lifestyle.

Facility- To provide access to resources that would encourage maximum use of existing facilities.

Communication- To establish and maintain a communication-information system whereby all residents are made aware of the availability of access to all recreation opportunities in the communities represented by the commission.

Board of Directors
President - Darrel Cure (R.M. of De Salaberry representative)
Vice-President / Secretary - Louis Courcelles (R.M. of De Salaberry representative)
Denis Clement (D.S.F.M. representative)

Soyez Actifs! Get Active!

Kristine Braun
Recreation and Wellness Facilitator
Rat River Recreation Commission
Call or Text: 204-712-7773
Email: info@ratriverrecreation.com

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