Property Taxes

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Property taxes are due and payable by October 31st of each year. 

Property taxes collected are for the current calendar year which runs from January 1st to December 31st. Arrears are subject to penalties of 1.25% per month until paid in full.

The tax bill is comprised of two sections; municipal taxes and school taxes.

The general municipal taxes on your tax bill provides funds for various municipal services. Special levies (by-laws) are collected to fund debentures for specific purposes.

The school taxes are set by the School Divisions and collected by the municipality. 58.3% of the amount collected by the municipality is on behalf of the School Divisions. The Municipality is required by law to include these levies on the annual property tax bills. Further inquiries may be directed to the school division indicated on your tax bill.

Accepted Methods of Payment

All payment types must be received by October 31st by the RM to avoid a November 1st penalty. The RM accepts the following methods of payment: 

  • CASH
  • CHEQUE - Payable to the RM of Salaberry. Postdated cheques are accepted prior to the due date. Please include the bottom portion of your tax statement when sending payment by mail.
  • DEBIT/INTERAC - Verify your daily limit prior to making a payment.
  • CREDIT CARDS - Visa & Mastercard 
  • DROP BOX - Located at the front entrance of the RM building, accessible 24/7 and checked daily, Monday to Friday.
  • E-TRANSFERS - Send to Please do not send the e-transfer with any additional information needed to access the funds in the same email. Send two emails with the information and e-transfer separated.
  • ONLINE BANKING - Payable to the RM of De Salaberry. Use your roll number as the account number; remove the decimal and the last three "0"s. It can take up to 72 hours for the transaction to be processed so please ensure that you allow enough time for the payment to arrive at the RM by October 31st.
  • TAX INSTALLMENT PAYMENT PLAN (T.I.P.P.) - Automatic monthly withdrawals from your financial institution applied towards your property taxes. 

Receipts are mailed upon request.

Tax Installment Payment Plan (T.I.P.P.)

Did you know you can have monthly payments withdrawn from your financial institution to be applied towards your property taxes with no fees or extra charges? The monthly payments total to your anticipated annual tax amount.  

The application form is available on our website or at the RM office. For more information, send an email to or call 204-433-7406.

Already a T.I.P.P. customer? If you are already on the monthly payment plan, you are not required to meet the October 31st deadline. Monthly payments will continue to be withdrawn until fully paid at the end of the year. 

T.I.P.P. Application and Terms and Conditions

Any Questions or Concerns?

Feel free to contact us and we would be pleased to assist you in anyway possible:

466 Sabourin Street
P.O. Box 40
St-Pierre-Jolys, Manitoba
R0A 1V0

Phone: 204-433-7406
Fax: 204-433-7063

8:30 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M.