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There are three (3) elementary schools and one (1) high school to choose from in the RM of De Salaberry and St-Pierre-Jolys region; as well as one University/College.

  1. École St-Malo School is a K to Grade 8 school offering an English Program as well as a French Program. 
  2. École Héritage in St-Pierre is a K to Grade 8 school offering French Immersion. To learn more about this school call 204-433-3460 or e-mail
  3. École Réal-Bérard is a K to Grade 12 French school. 
  4. Institut Collègial St-Pierre-Jolys is the local high school in the area. To lean more about this school call 204-433-7938 or e-mail
  5. Providence University College located in Otterburne. 

There are two (2) preschool programs that are offered in the RM of De Salaberry and St-Pierre-Jolys region:

  1. Les P’tits Papillons located inside the St malo daycare. They are a 50/50 French English program running Tuesday and Thursday mornings. For more information please contact the board at
  2. Les Petits du Bois Jolys is held on Monday and Wednesday mornings out of École Real-Bérard School in St-Pierre. For more information contact Jacqueline Saurette at 204-433-3425.