There are three (3) elementary schools and one (1) high school to choose from in the RM of De Salaberry and St-Pierre-Jolys region; as well as one University/College.
- École St-Malo School is a K to Grade 8 school offering an English Program as well as a French Program.
- École Héritage in St-Pierre is a K to Grade 8 school offering French Immersion. To learn more about this school call 204-433-3460 or e-mail
- École Réal-Bérard is a K to Grade 12 French school.
- Institut Collègial St-Pierre-Jolys is the local high school in the area. To lean more about this school call 204-433-7938 or e-mail
- Providence University College located in Otterburne.
There are two (2) preschool programs that are offered in the RM of De Salaberry and St-Pierre-Jolys region:
- Les P’tits Papillons located inside the St malo daycare. They are a 50/50 French English program running Tuesday and Thursday mornings. For more information please contact the board at
- Les Petits du Bois Jolys is held on Monday and Wednesday mornings out of École Real-Bérard School in St-Pierre. For more information contact Jacqueline Saurette at 204-433-3425.