The R.M. of De Salaberry is a full service community with all the modern amenities one would desire in a natural, safe environment. Our communities are truly a great place to live, work and raise a family. This section contains relevant information to residents such as garbage and recycling collection, local services, public works, dog control and much more.
Additional information can be assessed by contacting the municipal office during regular hours of operation. You may also complete a E-service request and we will respond at our earliest convenience.
Any Questions or Concerns?
Feel free to contact us and we would be pleased to assist you in anyway possible:
466 Sabourin Street
P.O. Box 40
St-Pierre-Jolys, Manitoba
R0A 1V0
Phone: 204-433-7406
Fax: 204-433-7063
E-mail: info@rmdesalaberry.mb.ca
8:30 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M.