All services are metered and bills are issued quarterly. Payment can be made at the municipal office by cash, check, or debit card; telephone or internet banking is available at the following locations:
Bank of Montreal
Central Credit Union
Caisse Financial Group
TD Canada Trust
Royal Bank of Canada
President's Choice Financial Services
Note: Look for "De Salaberry Water and Sewer, RM of" under the bill payment section. When prompted for an account number, please enter the account number found on your bill. If you need to add extra zeros, please do so at the beginning of the account number to ensure the correct account number length.
Current water and sewer rates can be found in the regulations section in Revised Water and Sewer Rates for St. Malo and Otterburne Wastewater Utility Fees .
It is prohibited to discharge rainwater from the drainage system into the public sewer system.
We remind you NOT to throw J-Cloths , rags , diapers , diaper or clothing wipes , feminine hygiene products and others down the drain, as they do not disintegrate and cause blockages in the drains.
We ask for your cooperation in only disposing of these items in the trash !
Thank you for your cooperation!
*To view the PowerPoint presentation of the January 21, 2021 public hearing regarding Regulation 2394-20, please click below:
Annual Report on Public Water Distribution Systems - Public Water Systems Annual Report 2024 .
If you need to connect or disconnect from the public water and sewer system, please complete a Water and Sewer Connection/Disconnection Request Form and submit it to our office.
Do you have any questions or concerns?
Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you in any way we can.
466 Sabourin Street
P.O. Box 40
Saint-Pierre-Jolys (Manitoba)
R0A 1V0
Phone : 204-433-7406
Utility Operator: 204-746-0407 (24/7)
Fax : 204-433-7063
Email :
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.